We've been taking advantage of the wonderful weather and working at Hattie Belle's.  Every time I go to HB's I get even more excited about the big day!  Between buying, working my other "real" job, and getting the Place ready, I'm exhausted (along with the rest of the crew).

I took a few pictures this past weekend,  but they don't even come close to doing the place justice.

And, to all you bloggers out there - ugh!  I wish I had the time to make this site as nice as yours!  I just haven't had time to sit down and learn how to do it right.  So please forgive me for the time being.  I'm temporarily using this "blog" as a way to get the word out about the sale.


Anonymous said...

I am soooo excited for this. Vicki, I just knew you would not be able to keep your creativity contained. Love this new venue!

Vicki Marsh (formerly Sadler) said...

Thanks Debbie! We're really excited too! Please make sure you find me and let me know you're there! My things will be in the Potting Shed as well as the Screen Summer House. See you Saturday!