"Change is Good", they say. Since I closed "the Creek" January 2010, my life has wiggled through many changes. I became a Pfrimmer Therapeutic Massage Therapist (see my other blog if you like); I became single again and am now using the name my mom and pap gave me (Vicki Jo Marsh - actually my true first name is Victori [not Victoria] but I digress) ...found a great little house on a wooded lot where I now live/love; saw my youngest off to college, and much more. For me, change seldom comes without a case of the blues because I'm such a passionate sucker. But you know what they say about one door closing.... in my case, a bunch of doors! But many have opened and I'm once again very happy and living in the moment!
While my current job as a therapist is very fulfilling due to the results many of my clients receive, my passion for vintage decorating has never changed. While I honestly thought I'd never return to the antiques scene, I've recently come face-to-face with my addiction once again.
Cows in the Creek offered early primitives and the special trimmings that went along with them. While I still love to mix with the primitives, I've given in to my love of the faded and charming. I absolutely love the chippy, white, creamy, tan, worn look. My new home, a quaint, old farmhouse with lots of personality and possibility, is much smaller than I need for my addiction of collecting things I love. Every room offers warm color despite my love of neutrals, and the look is very eclectic, from old leather suitcases, vintage alarm clocks, worn porch posts, rusty tin and loads of ironstone. But I love it!
While "the Creek" will always be my baby, I have turned the page to a new chapter. Urban Barn (by Vicki) will be my new venture. I hope you will be open minded enough to give it a look-see because if you're a die-hard Creek lover, I promise there will be a "Creek piece" or two mixed in with the Urban Barn collection. I'm hoping to be in a booth soon and will let you know as soon as that happens!
While I am not planning on hosting any shows in the near future, I am doing a few shows here and there. In fact I will be at the Vintage Market this Saturday in the Glendale Mall parking lot. Jon Jenkins (son to the Springfield, Ohio Extravaganza family) has offered this venue since spring of this year. This weekend promises to be the biggest show yet. I hope you'll come over to see me! Who knows, I may have something you love!
As soon as I get time I will move this blog to a new page for the Urban Barn. But know that even though the business name is changing... I am still a hopeless junkie and will continue to find the unique treasures I've always tried to bring you.
Your friend and Head Heifer,
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